1. Clicking on the Chens Enterprises Corporation logo will bring the user back to the Home Page
  2. New Order
    1. Click New Order button, will create a New Order and will bring the buyer to the ordering page
  3. My Orders
    1. Click My Order button, will bring up a list of all your order activities
  4. Contact Us
    1. Will bring the buyer to a page where they will be able to send any question/concern that they might have about the online store
  5. Marketing
    1. Will bring the buyer to Chens Marketing pages/flyers
  6. Order History
    1. Does the same thing as the “My Orders” button
  7. Our Website
    1. Will bring the user to https://chensec.com/
  8. Log Out
    1. Will log the buyer out of their account
  1. you will be presented with a selection of catalogs to choose from. Click on the catalog you wish to order from.
  2. Once in the Catalog, select the Main Category (or brand) from the menu, or click “All” to view all products in all categories. 
  3. You may use “Smart Search” under the Category to search the products you wish to order or use “Current Filter” to search products by Key words or UPC code
  4. Browse the entire catalogue by searching by key words, category, or product details
  5. To add an item to the order, click on the + sign on the quantity selector and add the quantity you require 
  6. When you have finished adding the items you require to your order, click on Cart.
    1. View important details about every product
    2. Image
    3. Item Code
    4. Description
    5. UPC
    6. Units Per Case
    7. Case Price
    8. QTY Available
    9. Cases Quantity
    10. Last Order Date
    11. Last Order Item Quantity
    12. Wishlist
  7. Change Catalog views:
    1. Grid Line
      -Most compact view that shows all of the product details
    2.  Small
      – Shows only an enlarged image, item code, description, case price, units per case, and cases quantity with 4 products per row. To view all the product details, click the 3 horizontal lines
    3.  Medium
      – Shows an even larger view of the same product details as the small view with 3 items per row. To view all the product details, click the 3 horizontal lines
    4.  Lines
      – Shows the same product details as the medium view with cases available and 1 product per row. To view all the product details, click the 3 horizontal lines
  8. We list
    1. Click the wishlist will view all wishlisted products
    2. Add items to the wishlist by clicking the (+) button on the gride line view. A Red Heart will replace the plus (+) button. Click the Red Heart will remove the item from the wishlist.
  9. Click on the product image will enlarge the image for better viewing purposes
  10. 3M Order History: click “3M Order History” button, you will see what items you have ordered in the last 3 months order history and related information.
  1. View Total Summary
    View the breakdown of the order by category that includes the quantities and amounts ordered for each.
  2. Continue Ordering
    To continue adding items to the order click Continue Ordering
  3. Submit the Order
    Click on the submission button. If you do not submit the order, and navigate to any other page, it will be saved as a draft “In Creation” status. You can view all your orders in the Activities List from the home screen.
  4. Clicking on the Menu you will see 5 options
    1. Order Details
      The Order Details form, you may need to fill in some information about the order, such as shipping address, PO number, remarks, etc.
    2. PDF
      Will download a pdf of the current cart
    3. Duplicate Transaction
      Will create a duplicate of the current cart as another order
    4. Summary
      View a compact view of the quantity of cases in the cart and the total price
    5. Export to Excel
      Will download an Excel sheet with the current cart along with the product details image, item code, main category, item description, QTY, unit price, total unit price, and QTY check
  1. You can search, view, edit and export your activities in the Order History on the main bar. Click on the My Order button on the home screen.
  2. Click on the ID Number to view its details 
  3. Choose the proper Action Time to see orders for any range you require.
  4. To continue working on a draft order (status is “In Creation”) simply click on it and you’ll be brought into the cart of the order. Edit the cart, or click continue ordering to go back to the catalog, and then submit the order as usual.
  5. Export the Order List
    You can export the order list for the date range you have selected to Excel.
  6. Search for an Order
    You can search for an order within the date range by the Order ID number.
  1. The user is able to fill out a Subject and type their question/concern into the “How can we help” section
  2. In order to send the question/concern, click the Done button. A popup will show up indicating that the message has been sent

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